We upgraded from 9.8 to 9.12 at the beginning of December and ever since users have had problems with screens freezing, forms taking up to nearly a minute to open, or out-right Centricity crashes in Citrix. Screen freezing or slowness in open forms also happens in native client. As far as I know all the necessary updates to Citrix were done. The crashes and hang ups tend to happen most often when the user is trying update the medication list or doing refills (no one has much good to say about the Rx Renewals tab or the new form except they like being able to see the appointments). Could this have something to do with eligibility checking or something else going on in the background? One of our nurses was updating a patient's med list when she got kicked out of Centricity. She logged back in and the update was 'In Progress' (normal for us after getting kicked out). She decided to wait it out and 2 days later, the document status changed to On Hold and she was able to finish and sign the update. 2. Days. Later. Also, once someone has a problem with one chart, it seems that they will have the same problem with other charts.
Virence doesn't seem to be able to help although we don't deal directly with them. And though the forms we use are old, they've worked fine and it doesn't seem to be our forms that are causing the problem anyway.
Has anyone experienced similar problems? Were you able to get it fixed?
i have not help, other then, I am sorry, and thanks for my evidence on why we have not upgraded to the "latest".
We experienced the same issues. You will need to increase the memory on the JBoss servers in the wrapper config file in order to clear up those issues.
When Centricity crashes, do you get any type of error when it goes down? This sounds similar to something that I am troubleshooting, but I wanted to be sure it was the same. We have a practice we work with that uses Citrix and has been having random crashing with certain users, but in other parts of the product, such as clicking to sign.
we are on CEMR 9.12 SP2 and are not experiencing crashes with prescriptions but MANY providers are receiving an error "Error: 32785 Possibly too much data for field. Retry?" since Friday morning. The cannot prescibe whether they are using the prescription RENEW form workflow OR using the Add new medication window. We have verified that the instructions are NOT over the character limit, neither are the comments. Entered a ticket with Virence who state they have tech working on the issue but in the meantime, just wanted to report this here.
We have the same issue with the error: "Error: 32785 Possibly too much data for field. Retry?" It started for us on Friday as well. We did the most recent eSM Console update on Dec 20th, but I am not sure if this is the cause or not. We have also opened a ticket with Virence. We noticed the error occurs when we generate a refill or a new prescription. However, it is not on every refill or new prescription. We have not seen this error on any refills responded through the Rx Renewal Tab. We did notice on the text translation page behind the Rx Refill form another error: {cfmt(LISTRXNEWFULL(), "", "Medications:","B,1","") <-COULDN'T REMOVE A SYMBOL:
Currently, we are just waiting to hear back from Virence.
Error: 32785 Possibly too much data for field. Retry?"
Our VAR states its an issue with a formulary field. Its sending 14 characters instead of 10. Virence and SES are aware and working on the issue.
We are on CPS 12.3.2 and had this error for the first time on Monday.
"Error: 32785 Possibly too much data for field. Retry?"
Did your VAR happen to say if this is for a particular insurance formulary? Kaiser Perm insurance seems to be our culprit. I was just wondering if this was impacting other insurances. Thanks, Dena
No they didn't say. It does appear to only effect certain ones though. A few have had Medicaid HealthChoices.
Our patient has UMR insurance.
I don't know if this is the same issue, but we were experiencing frequent crashes when providers attempted to e-prescribe or add a new problem to the problem list. After a lengthy investigation we determined that it was a display settings problem. The laptops which experienced the Centricity crashes all had the display scale & layout setting at 125%. By changing it to 100%, the e-scribing and problem list modules worked without crashing.
Issue has been fixed for the Error: 32785. Please contact Virence or your VAR for the resolution script. Surescripts made a modification on their end that added characters to the end of the PayerID, which exceeded the 10 character limit.
One of the errors is "The system has encountered an error. Save documents you were working on then exit and restart....'. But most of the time the screen freezes without an error message and if the MAs use Task Manager to close Centricity and then log back in and open the update again, the meds are 'gone' (there is no text in the dialog box, no meds in the new form work area). If they can just wait for several minutes, the form will suddenly snap out of it's trance and the MA can complete the refill.
Another thing we've discovered over the last couple of weeks is that the refill requests are getting dumped into the 'wrong' Location of care. Years ago we had procedure lab that was a different location of care and patients would have a separate chart for that location. The LOC is no longer active and no one except admin has access but the patient status is active. Anyway, if a patient has a chart in both locations of care, the refill request may show up in the chart in the inactive LOC. The MAs can see the request under the provider's name but since they don't have access to the old LOC, they get a message that they can't access the chart when they start the update. We have a clunky work around (deny it in the 'old' chart, then the MA calls it in to the pharmacy).
We are on EMR 9.12.1 and encountered this error for the first time yesterday. "Error 32785 Possibly too much data for field. Retry?". Patient's have MDIM (FirstCarolinaCare) insurance.
Tried to file the document in error to recreate and it says, "Can't remove the associated medications". There are no documents it is associated with other than a document from 2007.