I created a very simple function library for the first time, but I really don't know what to do with it.
I want to use it for visibility of different fields. But, I don't know what to do next...how do I call it in my form????
It looks like this:
{if document.locofcarename=="Acadia Nurse Practitioners"
or document.locofcarename=="Developmental Pediatrics"
or document.locofcarename=="EMMC Center for Family Medicine"
or document.locofcarename=="Diabetes, Endocrine and Nutrition Center"
or document.locofcarename=="Diabetes and Endocrine Specialists of Maine"
or document.locofcarename=="EMMC Orono Family Medicine"
or document.locofcarename=="EMMC Family Medicine of Brewer"
or document.locofcarename=="EMMC Clinical Genetics"
or document.locofcarename=="Husson Family Medicine"
or document.locofcarename=="Husson Internal Medicine"
or document.locofcarename=="Mental Health"
or document.locofcarename=="Cutler Health Center"
or document.locofcarename=="Nursing Home"
or document.locofcarename=="Husson Pediatrics"
or document.locofcarename=="Pediatric Dermatology of Maine"
or document.locofcarename=="Walk In Care"
or document.locofcarename=="Way to Optimal Weight"
then document.motherloc="EMMC" else "" endif
if document.locofcarename=="BLUE HILL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL"
or document.locofcarename=="BUCKSPORT FAMILY MEDICINE"
or document.locofcarename=="CASTINE COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES"
or document.locofcarename=="BLUE HILL FAMILY MEDICINE"
or document.locofcarename=="ISLAND FAMILY MEDICINE"
or document.locofcarename=="BLUE HILL SPECIALTY SERVICES"
or document.locofcarename=="BLUE HILL WOMEN'S HEALTH CARE"
then document.motherloc="BLUE HILL" else "" endif}