Can someone share how to open add an option to open/upload an attachment in VFE? I need to add a button on my form to upload/open an attachment.
Look in the Centricity/CPS Help file for function ADD_ATTACHMENT(moniker, desc, [type]).
Warning: This function allows you to add a "reference" to a file as an attachment.
Which means, wherever you locate the file on your system - if you MOVE or Delete the file later, it will "break" the reference pointing to that file. So make sure the attachment is located on your system server in a permanent folder. The attachment should also be uniquely named, so that it is not overwritten.
Example to attach a PDF:
fp = the filepath pointing to the file = "\\servername\Handouts"
fn = the filename (including extension) = "Handout1001.pdf"
ADD_ATTACHMENT(fp,fn) should add the attachment to the patient encounter
- Beverly B.