Anyone else getting these alerts?
-- 08/30/2016 8:59 AM, System Maintenance wrote: The following immunization, recently entered on this patient's chart, has been inactivated by the CDC and may not have been recorded correctly by the state immunization registry: 165 - Unknown entered: 2016-08-30 08:56:43 CDC Notes - No notes available. For more information, refer to
I got 29,000 flags delivered into patient charts on 1 day back in February.
GE had no idea where they came from.
They said someone had used the Inquiries to send a bulk flag....but the flags don't all have the same content.
They never really gave me a good answer where they came from.
I've been deleting them manually since February.
[email protected]
We got the same response from GE and my IT department can not trace down the source either. It has to be related to the registry and HL7 form because we never received them before. I go to the website as directed and most times my CVX codes are active. It kind of scares me that GE can not tell me how someone or something is writing into my system.
We were getting a lot of them as well, but we have discovered two workflows that were causing these alerts. Granted, we are still getting them but very minimal.
One, providers were not selecting the immunization from the correct list. We have two lists, our custom list and then the factory custom list. If our providers selected from the factory custom list, which we have not set up, then we got an alert.
Two, the provider was not selecting an immunization from the Vaccine dropdown list , leaving it blank. This also caused an alert.
We have since retrained our providers to select from our organization's custom list and to not leave the immunization field blank.
I don't know if this is the issue for you but it did work for us. Good luck!
If you have a product like Qvera, which may be sending immunization registry information, the flag may have been generated by them. Though GE still could be generating them and Support not be fully informed.
In our case I think the CVX codes being inactive were from historical entries in which case the CVX code being inactive is to be expected.
The bulk flags were from someone doing an inquiry and accidentally choosing "Immunization Registry" instead of "send reminder" or some other choice. We were back and forth between Qvera and GE also with no luck when I happened to be talking to a practice manager who knew she had done an inquiry for outreach at the same time and we figured it out. No way to turn that option off for certain users either - it can be used to re-send a patient's immunization records to the registry. There is a setting in Qvera where you can at least change the recipient of the flags to a system admin or generic desktop so it doesn't hit your providers. Qvera did it for us and I can't remember where but can track it down if they can't help.
I have an answer. I recently started getting flags on our influenza immunizations. This year, we have CVX 171 adult Flucelvax, which seems to convert to 88 unspecifed in QIE.
Flags were coming in with 88 influenza unspecified is not....
GE Support gave me this bit of information to control which CVX do NOT get a flag:
"you can log into QIE and and go to the Green Source Node and then click on the Channel Cache values and add that CVX code to the "sendFlagsExclusions" variable. This is a comma separated list of CVX codes that you do not want to get alerts on."
Also, I found the easiest way (if you don't want to update all those flags via script) is to create a crystal report to find them and group them by the desktop they were routed to. Then open that user's desktop and delete all the Immunization Registry flags there.