Below is a zip file with a Histories form that was shown at the most recent CHUG conference and AutumnLogic. It was just recently completed and is not yet in our production system. It demonstrates how to use a number of new data symbols including the family history data symbols, and data symbols to change/remove problems and medications.
The Histories form is a 4 page form that includes a first page that includes a relatively "standard" histories form layout with 3 additional pages that allow for easy configuration of the problem list, medical history, family history (both clinical list and observation term) and medications.
There are several custom sets of information in the Histories form that can be customized differently to fit common diagnoses/medications at the site where it is being used:
1. The function fnHistoriesInitializeProblemData creates arrays of data with ICD-9 codes for the problem list. Additional diagnoses can be added. There are actually several arrays for chronic medical, past medical, surgical and social problems. There is also a small array that is meant to demonstrate how this can be used to integrate with patient entered data.
2. fnHistoriesFamilyBaseDiagnosisList creates an array to associate family history items with their appropriate SNOMED codes. Additional diagnoses can be added. All codes need to be for SNOMED family history codes.
3. The Custom List dropdown on the medication page includes custom lists that are present at our site. This should be updated to include custom lists for the site where the form is being used.
There are 3 additional forms that are single page forms similar to the pages of the Histories form. These can be used individually if an organization doesn't want to use the full Histories form, but wants a subset of the functionality.
Link has been updated to reflect the MarketPlace posting where new version has been loaded.
These forms require the General Purpose function libraries that I have posted separately.
Thanks Michael
You did a nice job presenting this on Friday at Autumn Logic.
Thanks Dr. Thompson.
Thank you Dr. T.
Has anyone had issues with this form? I can not get the text to go to the note.
The latest version of this form has been posted in the MarketPlace at:
The libraries needed are also posted separately in the MarketPlace.
Both postings are available for free download.