Does anyone know how to clear an observation term? I have a check box on a form that sets a value, however when the user unchecks the check box, the value remains in the update (I can't get it to clear).
I tried an if/then watcher statement so that if checkbox = "" then obs = "", but this isn't doing the trick.
Thanks for the help!
You can tie the obsterm directly to a field, or if using code:
if DOCUMENT.field <> "" then
OBSNOW("obsterm", value)
OBSNOW("obsterm", "")
Thanks, @jjordet!
That worked. I see what I was doing wrong. I had a statement such as:
OBSNOW("HEIGHT") = "" //this does NOT unset/clear the obs term "HEIGHT"
however, per your example:
OBSNOW("HEIGHT","") //this DOES unset/clear any current changes to "HEIGHT"
Thanks again!