We are using two templates to capture all of the ADULT Immunizations that we give in our office: Immunization-All & Immunization Management-CCC.
The two issues that we are having is having to use two forms to get all of the immunizations. The other is capturing PREVNAR (for adults). On the template Immunizations-ALL the template has the obs term for pediatrics. I do not have the form to correct the obs term. Is someone willing to share that template?
If there is a template that you have that captures:
Flu/Zostavax/Pneumova/Prevnar/TD/TDap I would LOVE to know what the name is & who to get it from!
Ashley Corbean
@guilfordmedical.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">acorbean@guilfordmedical.com
Have you tried using the Immunization Management GE form? We use that one as it is the correct one for MU and has everything our offices use on it.
Prevnar is only listed under Vaccine HX and not under Pneumovax Type. That is the issue we have with this template.
Hey I have a question regarding the wrong immunization for td is adacel which is a tdap. populating in the wrong place. This has happened in a few instances has anyone else had this problem and if so any solution.