Hi, we are looking for a report to show Referal and Test orders by location rather than by provider. We have providers that go to multiple locations. Currently, orders tracking reports show all the orders that are not Complete rather than those monitored by the individual site. Any thoughts or help would be appreicated!
sgilkey said:
Hi, we are looking for a report to show Referal and Test orders by location rather than by provider. We have providers that go to multiple locations. Currently, orders tracking reports show all the orders that are not Complete rather than those monitored by the individual site. Any thoughts or help would be appreicated!
Did you ever receive?
CPS or Oracle?
Some with summary crosstabs only, some designed to show details equivalent to the Order Req. Intended to be run both by end-users/managers out of the EMR>Reports tab. Easy enough to switch between Referrals or Tests one one report via a parameter or limit to specific service provider.
Basically, these are all slices of the same data, which have morphed over time for different uses. Various things may be suppressed (for example, pulling in scanned Chart documents after the Order was placed). Biggest thing I haven't added but have been asked for is a prompt by Dx.
I'm never sure if these links work, so feel free to contact me…
THANK YOU! But these will only download as text (.txt).
Would these happen to have the information on it that would list, (or was put down at order time) the Service Provider if it was not the authorising user?
We use CPS so this would probably not work for us.
Hmmm, the hyperlinks should save as *.rpt (I just tested from home). Service Provider is in the report.
The main problem with Crystal cross-tabs for Orders is that there are way too many good things you can compare; the Export is there just to dump data to an easier to use Excel pivot-table.
I created an orders report last week before I read this but I ended up having to do it by provider because it does not look like a location is specified in the order. I looked in the database tables and I do not see a column for location anywhere either. In the CPS database doc there is a field in the order table called locofservice which does not exist in EMR but, based on the description, it does not seem like what I was looking for anyway.
you have authorizaing provider in the order. link to userinfo. link userinfo.location??? to locreg to get the location.
jjordet said:
you have authorizaing provider in the order. link to userinfo. link userinfo.location??? to locreg to get the location.
To clarify your statement, you would link orders.authbyuserid to usr and then grab the homelocation field from usr and link it to locreg. The problem with doing it this way is that the OP (and us) have providers that travel to multiple locations. Home location is not necessarily the location the order was created. The location the order was created in is not captured with the order at all.
I was just about to submit this saying I did not think it could be done, then I figured it out. If you Link Orders.SDID to Document.SDID and then link Document.LOCOFCARE to LOCREG.LOCID you can pull up the location (locreg.name) for the order.