Controls cannot be placed directly on the userok or useryesno popups, but the response to the popup can do almost anything you want. A "Yes" response to a useryesno could redirect the user to a certain form, send a flag, complete a field with a particular response, add a form or text component to the update, add a med, allergy, problem, various combinations of things, etc. So, while it may not be exactly what you want, you may be able to achieve the same or similar results by having the response to the popup do some of the work.
Here's an example for a useryesno that does a number of things based on the response:
{if obsprev(
"MHTRTDISCRT") == "" then
if useryesno(
"Please review the problems and diagnoses below:" + hret + hret + " Click 'Yes' to indicate that you have reviewed and accepted these problems." + hret + hret + " Click 'No' to just continue with the treatment plan without reviewing the problems." + hret + hret + "(N.B.: Use the 'Diagnosis Management' Encouter Type to update diagnosis as needed." + hret + "If problems or diagnoses have changed, it is best to update the problem list BEFORE" + hret + "starting the treatment plan to insure that the current problems are listed.)" + hret + hret + "Primary diagnosis: " + obsprev("mhprimdx") + hret + hret + "Problems and Diagnoses on Axes I - III:" + hret + prob_prior("list") + hret + hret + "Axis IV:" + hret + obsprev("mhdxaxisiv") + hret + hret + "Axis V: " + obsprev("gaf scale") )=="Yes"
then OBSNOW(
"TXP_TYPE", "Review") + ADD_FORM_COMP("Enterprise\Gallahue\PCP Treatment Plan", "PCP Tx Plan DC Plan", "10","") + ADD_FORM_COMP("Enterprise\Gallahue\PCP Treatment Plan", "PCP Tx Plan Patient Sig Line", "11") + OBSNOW("PROBS REVWD", "Problems and diagnoses were reviewed during this Treatment Plan Review")
else OBSNOW(
"TXP_TYPE", "Review") + ADD_FORM_COMP("Enterprise\Gallahue\PCP Treatment Plan", "PCP Tx Plan DC Plan", "10","") + ADD_FORM_COMP("Enterprise\Gallahue\PCP Treatment Plan", "PCP Tx Plan Patient Sig Line", "11") endif endif
if obsprev(
"MHTRTDISCRT") <> "" then
if useryesno(
"Please review the problems and diagnoses below:" + hret + hret + " Click 'Yes' to indicate that you have reviewed and accepted these problems." + hret + hret + " Click 'No' to just continue with the treatment plan without reviewing the problems." + hret + hret + "(N.B.: Use the 'Diagnosis Management' Encouter Type to update diagnosis as needed." + hret + "If problems or diagnoses have changed, it is best to update the problem list BEFORE" + hret + "starting the treatment plan to insure that the current problems are listed.)" + hret + hret + "Primary diagnosis: " + obsprev("mhprimdx") + hret + hret + "Problems and Diagnoses on Axes I - III:" + hret + prob_prior("list") + hret + hret + "Axis IV:" + hret + obsprev("mhdxaxisiv") + hret + hret + "Axis V: " + obsprev("gaf scale"))=="Yes"
then OBSNOW(
"TXP_TYPE", "Review") + ADD_FORM_COMP("Enterprise\Gallahue\PCP Treatment Plan", "PCP Tx Plan DC Plan", "10","") + ADD_FORM_COMP("Enterprise\Gallahue\PCP Treatment Plan", "PCP Tx Plan Patient Sig Line", "11") + OBSNOW("PROBS REVWD", "Problems and diagnoses were reviewed during this Treatment Plan Review")
+ (if useryesno(
"Please review the Discharge Criteria below." + hret + hret + " Click 'Yes' to accept the previous criteria." + hret + hret + " Click 'No' to enter new criteria." + hret + hret + get_last_dc_crit_prov_date("MHTRTDISCRT"))== "Yes" then obsnow("MHTRTDISCRT", obsprev("MHTRTDISCRT")) else "" endif)
else OBSNOW(
"TXP_TYPE", "Review") + ADD_FORM_COMP("Enterprise\Gallahue\PCP Treatment Plan", "PCP Tx Plan DC Plan", "10","") + ADD_FORM_COMP("Enterprise\Gallahue\PCP Treatment Plan", "PCP Tx Plan Patient Sig Line", "11")
+(if useryesno(
"Please review the Discharge Criteria below." + hret + hret + " Click 'Yes' to accept the previous criteria." + hret + hret + " Click 'No' to enter new criteria." + hret + hret + get_last_dc_crit_prov_date("MHTRTDISCRT"))== "Yes" then obsnow("MHTRTDISCRT", obsprev("MHTRTDISCRT")) else "" endif)
Posted : September 28, 2012 1:20 am