I am looking to add and "insert prior" button at the top of our custom Exam form.
Anyone know what obs term or how to do this.
I would like it to pull in dictation from the last office visit.
Thank you in advance...
Perhaps a simple approach - pull in the data via LAST_SIGNED_OBS?
In theory, the prior note should be signed, while the current note is not.
Did you find a way to do this?
I'm also trying to do something similar in a behavioral health custom form. I would like to create an Action Button that pulls in the LAST_SIGNED_OBS_VALUEDATE. I've added the function below to the Run Process, and the function below that in the Text Translation. What is missing?
Also, ideally, I would like the Action Button to not only pull the previous value into the chart not as text translation but to also create a userok pop up view, so the provider can view these from the form.
Action Button
Run Process:
Text Translation:
{CFMT(LAST_SIGNED_OBS_VALUEDATE("ROS: PSYCH"), "", "Previous ROS: Psychiatric Visit: ", "B", "")}
What am I missing? Thanks.
What are you trying to assign the value to ?
If a document variable, then do this
OR - if you are trying to pull in last signed value
into the current obsterm "ROS: PSYCH"
you might try this (Code not Tested):
if prevVal<>"" then
// strip off the "(date timestamp)" (the last 21 characters)
// portion of prevVal.
// Example, prevVAl = "something... (03/24/1997 12:21 PM)"
//NOTE: You can display the value to yourself for testing purposes using userok()
//comment out or delete userok after testing.
userok("prevVal = " + prevVal + HRET + "prevVal only = " + sub(prevVal,1,size(prevVal)-21) )
prevVal = sub(prevVal,1,size(prevVal)-21)
//no previously signed value found
I would like to view the value of the specified last signed obs "ROS: Psyche" by clicking a button- and have that action translate that last signed obs and date into the chart note, with a text translation prefix something like "Previous visit:". The form itself already provides a list box section for assigning new ROS "complains" and "denies" values once the note is signed. Our provider would like to view the previous, and have it show up in the note.
I think a data display that gets populated when the provider clicks the [view previous] button is what you are wanting here.
Define a document variable in the MEL code are on the right side of VFE:
Drop a data display onto your form, define its connection type as "MEL expression"
Put a reference to the document variable into the data display code area:
Define a [View Previous] button, Connection Type: RunProcess
Add this MEL code to the button
In the data display Translation put
{CFMT(DOCUMENT.XYZ, "", "Previous Visit: ", "", "
I have not tested - but should work
If you have a problem, you might have to define the document variable in the MEL code area (in VFE on the Right) as follows (with a !).
OK - last idea here,
You could also do away with the data display, keep the rest of the code.
Add a user ok to the button, to display the value to the doctor.
So the [View Previous] button code becomes,
userok("Previous ROS:", DOCUMENT.xyz)
Put the CFMT line into another objects text translation (a label or text).
so if your Current "ROS: Psych" is displayed on the form.
Find a text field Above it (or insert a new blank text field) and insert the CFMT for DOCUMENT.xyz into that ones Text Translation.
Then in the chart note, "Previous Visit:" will appear before the current ROS visit.
Hope you find this useful.
userok("Previous ROS:", DOCUMENT.xyz)
replace , with a +
userok("Previous ROS:" + DOCUMENT.xyz)
If dictating in an edit field that is tied to a obs terms, we us a button that just pulls the previous ob. For example our HPI