I am using this data symbol function in an action button in VFE. Does anyone know why this care alert would open to the flowsheet tab and not the alerts/flags tab?
{MEL_SEND_FLAG("Alert",user.loginname, "Normal",ADDDATES(str(._todaysdate), "0", "2", "0"), "Advanced Directive Follow-up Needed", "Patient received an Advanced Directive follow-up packet on " + str(._todaysdate),"alerts", "")}
Sounds buggy to me? I would test it with a flag instead of an alert and see what happens to see if the code works appropriately and then if it does and you go back to alert and if it does it again, I would log a case?
MEL_SEND_FLAG(Type, To, Priority, Due date, Subject, Message, Chart_tab, Expiration date)
{MEL_SEND_FLAG("Flag", "ckelly", "Normal",ADDDATES(LASTOBSDATE("CTOFPELVISDU"),"0","0","3"), PATIENT.LABELNAME, "FYI: Test was scheduled 3 days ago. Verify results were obtained.","summary","")}
Amy Roberts
Kansas City Bone & Joint Clinic
It does act like a bug, I can try this and I think I will report it.