I am trying to build a letter for a client that will pull Med Admin info (Kenalog, Depo-Medrol etc). I am using
{LAST_SIGNED_OBS_DATE("Kenalog 10 mg Injection # of Units")}
{LASTOBSDATETIME("Kenalog 10 mg Injection # of Units")}
Both are giving me blank values. I am sure I am trying to simplify what I want, but do not have extended language to build what I am looking for. If anyone has any insight, that would be great!
You need to use the short name of the observation that you saved that to, for example
{LAST_SIGNED_OBS_DATE("BP SYSTOLIC")} would be used to return the date of the last BP, regardless of the value. If you are looking for the date of only a specific value in an obsterm, you will probably have to write a function with the delimited form of LIST_OBS()
So I used the short name and it is still pulling a blank value. Basically I need to get the med admin form description info to pull into a letter. See below example:
Medication Administration
Injection # 1:
Medication: Depo Medrol 60 mg
Route: IM
Site: L deltoid
Exp Date: 01/23/2014
Lot #: 12345
Mfr: Bristol-Myers Squibb
Given by: Sirna Ann Travalik
Date Given:09/24/2013 8:52 AM
Tolerated w/o complications
What Obs do you have these saved to? I checked the thread here and that form doesnt appear to save anything to observations by default.
It sounds like that function should work the way you want it, LAST_SIGNED_OBS_DATE() should pull the last signed observation only while LASTOBSDATE() will pull either an observation from an active update or a signed observation, you might need that one instead depending on your workflow.
If you are using the Medication Adminstration CCC form then it does not populate an OBS term. You could try it by order
Added new Service order of Injection Administration (96372) - Signed
Added new Service order of B12 up to 1000 mcg (CPT-J3420) - Signed