I am customizing the HPI CCC Ortho Forms and am trying to eliminate the Denies column used on the Specialty form. Below is the string from the CCC form but I cannot tell what creates the denies field.
ccc_Ortho_HPI_SS_Exec("neck pain","~_Onset~~1^~_Intensity~~1^Description of Injury (or 4th line comments)~~~^~neck pain,radiating to left arm,radiating to right arm~~^Associated Symptoms~weakness,numbness,tingling,stiffness,loss of motion,difficulty swallowing,bowel &/ or bladder changes,pain with cough,pain with sneeze,pain with straining,pain with bowel movement~~Associated symptoms include~^Quality~constant,intermittent,sharp,dull,stabbing,throbbing,aching,burning,shooting,interfering with sleep~~The pain is described as~^Better with~rest,ice,heat,pain medication,muscle relaxants,sitting,standing,lying,walking~~Pain is made better with~^Worse with~flexion,extension,turning left or right,driving,bathing/dressing/grooming~~Symptoms are not imporved or are worse with~^Past history~prior neck pain,prior neck surgerry,fracture,arthritis~~Significant past history includes~^Prior Effective Treatment~nothing tried,rest,ice,heat,NSAIDs,muscle relaxants,OTC pain meds,narcotic pain meds,physical therapy,chiropractic therapy,accupuncture~~Prior effective treatment includes: ~7 and 8^Prior Ineffective Treatment~nothing tried,rest,ice,heat,NSAIDs,muscle relaxants,OTC pain meds,narcotic pain meds,physical therapy,chiropractic therapy,accupuncture~~Ineffective treatment to date noted: ~7 and 8","1^^The patient also complaining of^y^1^1^60^^")
I believe in the CCC the first two boxes are always complains and denies and can't be changed.
sborchardt said:
I believe in the CCC the first two boxes are always complains and denies and can't be changed.
Thank you so much!