Question… I have a multi-line edit field that is an obsterm. When I begin an update I put something into that obsterm. I put that note on hold and sign clinical list changes. I then open a new update. Can I get that obsterm value to come across to the new update? I have practiced this over and over. I have tried obsany but the 1st note has to be signed, not just clinical list changes signed. What am I missing?
Amy M. Roberts, MS, OTC, ATC/L
Kansas City Bone and Joint Clinic
Division of Signature Medical Group of KC, PA
Corporate Medical Building Plaza
Building #1
10701 Nall Ave, Suite 200
Overland Park, KS 66211
913-381-5225, ext 352
i don't think i put this request in the correct spot, sorry- first post on the new chug site- I will learn the rules better next time
Amy Roberts
I don't think this will appear in the new note until you sign off on the entire note, not just the clinical list changes. Also, nothing from the note will push to the flowsheets until the note is signed.
You are not missing anything. You have to sign the first note before the values will pull forward to the next note that is started.