I use the MEL_ADD_ORDER function in VFE under RUNPROCESS for providers to add certain orders automatically but nothing ever pops up to tell them it was done. Is there a good way to do this? (other than adding a text component to the note)
Stacey LaGrange
[email protected]
if you put your Mel_add_order() inside of a userok() it will return a value, 0 means success and the order was added, anything else returns an error code, so you could use that with an if-then statement or a series of case statements and additional userok()'s to explain any issues
Thanks I will give this a try
What I do is have a data display that shows Orders_new above the area where the add orders buttons are located. It will update each time a order is added.
That is a really good idea too, I can't believe I didn't think of that!
I've used the data display box (as Ernie suggested) in the past, but more recently, I've had the button become disabled after it is clicked. This provides a visual cue that something has happened, and prevents the order from being placed multiple times.
Good idea Jennifer, how do you do that? That doesn't sound familiar to me.
When you build the buttons, go to the Advance tab and at the bottom is enable/disable expression field. You would need to put something like this in it.
Once the order is placed, the button will grey out.
Yep, what Ernie said.
I just did this and it works perfectly, thanks so much everyone