I'm wondering if anyone has created pop-ups regarding protocols in which a physician could click once to generate an order? We're looking to streamline the process in order to make it more efficient for the providers.
Were you ever able to find a way to do this?
We use a text component built into our document templates that pops up and asks if we want to place an order when a patient has had only one test of a two-test study we're working on, I wonder if you couldn't do some tweaking to fit your needs? (Full disclosure, the forms genius at our fantastic VAR built this, so I won't be able to answer any questions about it...)
{fn matchOrder(cptMatch, newCPT, message, type, category, description)
{local ords = getfield(orders_all("delimited"), "|", "")
local tempO = ""
local ordSize = size(ords)
local oCount = 1
local oMatch = ""
local newMatch = ""
while oCount <= ordSize
tempO = getfield(ords[oCount], "^", "")
oMatch = if match(tempO[3], cptMatch) > 0 then "x" else oMatch endif
newMatch = if match(tempO[3], newCPT) > 0 then "x" else newMatch endif
oCount = oCount + 1
if oMatch <> "" and newMatch == "" then
if useryesno(message)="Yes" then
else "" endif
else "" endif
return ""}}
{matchOrder("CPT-ProoveRisk", "CPT-ProoveMeta", "Patient has completed Proove Narcotic Risk testing, do you want to order Proove Drug Metabolism?", "T", "Proove Genetic Testing", "Proove Drug Metabolism")}
Thank you Tessa! I'll look at this and let you know.
Thanks again for the reply.
Hi Again Tessa. My staff would like to know if you can send the .DLG file that accompanies this?
Since it's just a text component, there's no .dlg. You just copy the text and create a new component, a lot like creating a new quicktext.