Looking for a CCC form Preventive Care Screening – cannot seem to locate in CCC content on database, yet it is in the system! Seems to have been modified from what I see in CCC content yet need to modify more.
Anyone have a good Preventive Care Screening form??
Which one are you wanting, we have over 15 in our CCC forms? What version of CCC are you on?
By your request, not sure what you are looking for. To assist our MA's during the prep for a visit, we created a screen to make it easier to find and enter any missing data (liek reports from outside sources), and it is pictured below.
Are you looking for something like this?
Joseph, that is a really nice form! I would love to have that if you would share! It sure makes it more simple…
PreVisit_HEDIS form
(If I did it correctly, the dlg should be at that link.)
It suppresses the female questions when patient is a male. The top section for diabetes I was going to suppress if not diabetic, and then decided to wait - and hence the repeat of the LDL right below that.
This allows (requires) a date to be entered for each item, and then the respective RECORD button - this is to override the OBSDATE.
The Location and Comments have some defaults for us, so feel free to adjust these as your location/clinic finds appropriate.
And, let em know if you think of anything to make it better.
Great, thank you!