Does anyone know if you can print a letter with a button (on a form) like you print Handouts? Is there a function for this using RUNPROCESS connected to a button?
We would like to print a letter, but don't want the patient name at the top as is done automatically with a handout.
West Texas Medical Associates
Sorry, there isn't a way to automate printing a letter. You could try coding a condition in your Handout Header to not print the patient name.
David Shower
OU Tulsa School of Community Medicine
There's a fairly recent post that a few of us replied to that explains how to do what David alluded to. Not sure what the post was called, but it is easy to do. Just create a handount that has the content your letter would have, placing a special character, tilde for example, at the front of the name of your handout qua letter, then edit your handout header code to suppress everything in the header if the tilde (or whatever) is found, otherwise print the handout header.
So are you using a string function to locate the special character? Not sure if there is a InStr function in MEL or what you would use. I wasn't able to find the related post you were referring to. How would you pull the "~" out of the Handout Title?
The name of the handout could be "~My Letter Handout" (and all of your "handouts as letters" will have the tilde or whatever you use), then in your Handout Header setup write something like this:
{if match(print_title,"~") >0 then "" else hret + hret + "For: " + patient.labelname...
Thanks Again Paul. After your original post I had figured it out.
I used
if get(PRINT_TITLE,1)=="~" then
to pull out the special character. Worked great!
Thanks a million!