I'm having an issue when I am using a count variable. I have three groups.
At Group Footer 3, I am using a variable to count the number of office visits.Then I need to use the same variable in Group Footer 1 to calculate percentage. When I display it in Group Footer 1, it is off by 1 (incremented by 1). Also I find that some count variables automatically increment by 1 on a new page. Can anyone pls suggest a solution.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Make sure you're using WhilePrintingRecords in your formulas. Don't Repeat Group Header On Each Page.
You might try using running totals instead. They are tricky to get started with but could well be worth it.
Thank you for the replies.
I have whileprintingrecords() in the formulas. The count is correct in GF3. Only when I copy the same formula to GF1 it is incrementing by 1 (not always). Any suggestions as to why it is doing this.
I have to count office visits based on whether BP is recorded during that visit or not. Will running total work with formulas?
Any other suggestions?
If you're evaluating the formaula in each group footer, it will increment. I normally evaluate/increment in the detail and then just display the count in the groups.
Thank you for the reply.
i tried that too. i used one formula to calculate total count in GF3 and another formula to display the count variable in GF1. still not working. Do you have any other suggestions?
My report has to generate the percentage of office visits for each physician in which BP is not recorded (for patients with a certain Dx). It has location, start date and end date parameters. I am using formulas to check if BP is recorded during an office visit (Counting the records having HDID=53, 54 etc).
Can you/someone else give any other ideas(using SQL command) so the report will speed up?