We are looking to see if anyone has developed a report to capture anytime a document or report is faxed out of CPS to another provider etc. and would be willing to share. We are looking for this for compliance issues. Currently the Fax Status can be removed and does not give a good description of what was sent.
Are you using Biscom? There are settings for doing that. We have Biscom set to put fax confirmations into the chart as documents, and you can even save the image of the fax as an attachment. Anne McCrosky at Biscom can step you through it.
Julie Sander, [email protected]
We are. Is this something that is a server setting or application setting? I do not see where I can change this myself. We are hosted and I think this may be something that needs to be altered on the server side. Thank you for letting me know! This will be a life saver if in fact we can make this change!
I would also be interested in this report if it lives. Thanks
We are doing the same thing as jsander and worked with Anne McCrosky and she was great. It didn't take very long to get this going in our clinic.
We also save the fax image back into EMR as an attachment. Those are configured on the Biscom server where you setup different Locations of Care/Accounts. Biscom also sells a separate add-on reporting (SQL server) product.
Does anyone have the contact info to Ann McCrosky at BISCOM?
We would like to have a fax confirmation attached to chart!