This is a request I received last week from a nurse..
Could you make it like a table you can add in the template? Like below
Muscle Injected: | Units: | Volume (ml): | Sites: |
Gastrocnemius | 100 | 1.0 | 2 |
Soleus | 100 | 1.0 | 2 |
is it possible to add table format? My first thought was flowsheet but that is just a view- it can't come across in text right? Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance! We are on CPS10 and use VFE
Amy Roberts
Kansas City Bone and Joint Clinic
Tables are not supported. There are 2 close workarounds through. One involves tabs, and involves another involves a padding function.
1. Tabs – Works for non fixed length fonts. I would advise you to use no more than 2 columns though. 1 long piece of user data and formatting get crazy quickly.
{backslash}t is recognized as a tab (NOTE: you really use the backslash character – the forum clears this when I type it). You need to make sure you add enough to tab past the largest label in the column.
{CFMT(OBSNOW("MUSCLE"),"Muscle Injected:{backslash}t{backslash}t","",CFMT(OBSNOW("INSUNITS),""," – ",""," units") + CFMT(OBSNOW("VOLINS),""," ",""," ml") + CFMT(OBSNOW("NUMSITES"),""," @ ","","2 sites") + HRET)}
2. Padding Function (not my creation). This lends itself better to more than 2 columns
{/* the pad function pads the string s with spaces to make it len long Also set the font to a fixed width one */ fn fnpad(s, len) { local i /* if s is already bigger than len, then leave it alone */ if size(s) > len then return s else for i = size(s), i < len, i = i + 1 do s = s + " " endfor return s endif }}
Then you would select a fixed length font for the form, and do translation like….
{fnpad("Muscle Injected:",10) + fnPad(OBSNOW("MUSCLE),10) + nextlabel + nextobs….}
I will work on it, thank you!
Saw an error
{CFMT(OBSNOW("MUSCLE"),"","Muscle Injected:{backslash}t{backslash}t","",CFMT(OBSNOW("INSUNITS),""," – ",""," units") + CFMT(OBSNOW("VOLINS),""," ",""," ml") + CFMT(OBSNOW("NUMSITES"),""," @ ","","2 sites") + HRET)}