I am using a Button to RUNPROCESS to enter in a normal physical exam into a multi-line edit field. it works but if I edit the multi-line edit field it then enters a "/par" in the text everywhere I had a carriage return.
Thoughts on how I can get this to work? I basically want to keep the carriage returns and have the ability to edit the text once it displays in the multi-lone edit field.
How are you using carriage returns in your text? Does your text look like this?
"This is the first line
This is the second line
this is the third line"
Try replacing the entered carriage return with the function for a Hard Return (HRET).
"This is the first line" + HRET + "This is the second line" + HRET + "this is the third line"
This will eliminate the \par text showing up and still give you the paragraph formatting that you are looking for.
Another thing you can do is.
"This is the first line.\r\nThis is the second line.\r\n"
Thank you so much!! It worked with the HRET.