I have a form I created for our NP's. I have 6 pages. Each tab has a diagnosis at the top. There are 2 buttons on each tab. Clicking on 1 adds the dx, objective data, and bills for the office visit. The 2nd button add in the patient instructions. I have an obs term connected to the patient instructions button that combine them all so they will print on the patient instructions. When I tested everything it works great!! Only problem...nothing prints on the patient instruction handout. I am going crazy trying to figure this out. I am attaching my code that I have in my patient instructions buttons. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!
Thank you-Katie Kopp
Clinical IT-RN
PRINTHANDOUT("Handouts\CCC\*Patient Instructions")
Katie, did you figure this out? It may just be that the obs term is getting set after the handout is printing. Try reversing the order.
Do you have the check box labeled "Make available to other forms" checked for each document variable in teh Edit Field of VFE?
Switching the order worked. Thank you so much for your help. You made a lot of providers happy 🙂