I have a form that contains two sections which I call call section A and section B. Section B is a visibility region. I need to insert two additional sections within that visibility region so I can have two colums of edit fields that will allow the physician to document from top down instead of from left to right. My sections are set to accept subsections. No matter how I hold my mouth, I can NOT drag and drop additional sections into Section B. They will drop onto any part of this page except where I want them to go. I even tried to rebuild the page thinking maybe I had to have all sections in place before I started entering fields but that didn't work either. All I need is two lousy columms!! Any help will be appreciated.
create a separate visibility region for the new sections.
If you want to stack visibility regions on top of each other, then click inside visibility region A and click 'Insert' --> 'Visibility.' You can navigate through the stacked visibilities by right clicking in the region and choosing 'Next' or 'Previous.'
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