Has anyone corrected the format for this data symbol? Currently it does it last name , first name.
I just put it in an array and then flipped it
pcparray = getfield(REGPROVIDER("pcp","","list"),",","")
It's not perfect but I have never had an issue with it.
I just put it in an array and then flipped it
pcparray = getfield(REGPROVIDER("pcp","","list"),",","")
It's not perfect but I have never had an issue with it.
How are you calling this in a note?
{fn formatpcp(){
pcparray = getfield(REGPROVIDER("pcp","","list"),",","")
document.formatpcp = (pcparray[1] + (if pcparray[2] <> "" then ", " + pcparray[2] else "" endif))
{!if document.formatpcp == "" then
else "" endif}
Then you just need to format an edit field to read however you like, I keep mine hidden in a visibility region.
works great. Thanks.