I am trying to make it so that my forms that need to have a user noted in the form (ex. injection given by). Does anyone know of a way to pull and active user list into a form rather than just adding to a drop down or typing the user name in the form everytime we have a new user?
You could have a button that inserts the current user's name, date, whatever into a field that translates the data to the chart note. For example, button could be RUNPROCESS:
{document.xyz=user.realname + " " + datetimstamp()} or something like that. Is that you meant? You could have a drop down list that would reuqire no maintenance - that would update when you added users to your locations, but the button may do the trick if all you need is the current logged on user.
here is an example of a button you can copy the button onto different sections you just change your text section to reflex signature1 then signature2 and so on
Thank you for the file execpt it will not allow me to open the dlg file. Can you email to me? [email protected]
Paul Atkinson said:
You could have a button that inserts the current user's name, date, whatever into a field that translates the data to the chart note. For example, button could be RUNPROCESS:
{document.xyz=user.realname + " " + datetimstamp()} or something like that. Is that you meant? You could have a drop down list that would reuqire no maintenance - that would update when you added users to your locations, but the button may do the trick if all you need is the current logged on user.
I tried this although if I close the form and someone else opens it it tracks them as the user. How would I do a drop downt that pulls in the user list?
aweymouth said:
I tried this although if I close the form and someone else opens it it tracks them as the user. How would I do a drop downt that pulls in the user list?
That is because you are using it in a way that it is being continuously called. This needs to be set up as a button that just writes to the chart note: "Signed by Abbey"
That way when ever the document is put on hold and opened by another user, the code isn''t ran again to pull that user's name.
Did you set it up as a button per my earlier suggestion? As Mike pointed out, if you don't it will re-evalute when another user accesses the same update. A button should work fine. If you want to go with a drop down user list just contact me directly and we can get that setup for yo.